Monday, July 17, 2006

Take a deep breath...or hold your nose

Personally I've been enjoying the amazing smell coming from this small bounty of garlic that my Mom and I harvested yesterday from my garden. Since it is my first year growing garlic I am extremely pleased with the results which are now hanging on my fence to cure. I had trouble finding a shady spot since we are in a newer subdivision with immature landscaping and no room for a garden shed but this spot is working fine so far.

BTW if you haven't read

  • "Don't Leave It On The Desk"
  • over at Owlhaven, it is definately worth the read!


    Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

    First of all, I LOVE GARLIC! I love it in everything, especially baked garlic on bread... mmmmmmm... and second, that story at OwlHaven was beautiful! Thanks for directing me there!

    Anonymous said...

    BRING it ON! I think there oughtta be a candle scented butter-sauteed onions. I know... a tad bit nuts. BUt seriously, these smells are deeee-lish! I'd probably get in trouble for hanging them INdoors. :)