Tuesday, December 09, 2008

M.D. love...

Both my kids had physicals this week and I was reminded of something I already knew. I love my kids' doctor, she makes me feel like I'm the expert on my kids. Which of course I am!!

Seriously, she just asks if we are still wanting to hold off on vaccines and makes no comments to change my opinion. Not to mention she takes time with us and is upbeat and positive, never condescending.

She wanted to run a food allergy blood panel for my son after I presented some complaints and she's testing him for Celiac as well. So hopefully those come back with some more tangible answers.

I am feeling wonderfully blessed today. I got something in the mail that I'm giving to my husband for Christmas (he doesn't normally read here but he is sitting right next to me now) and it has a picture of the cutest kid in it! Anyway, I'm about ready to call it quits for the night, my baby girl hasn't let me sleep much this week!

1 comment:

Mamacita Tina said...

Finding a doctor you like is so important, I love ours. Unfortunately we have to drive thirty minutes to get to her office.