Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Meme For All Seasons

I was tagged for this one by Xav's Mama at New Mama's Nest and since I really love living somewhere that has seasons again I do enjoy them all.

1] Your favorite seasons, in order:

2] Your favorite smells for each season:
Spring: lilacs
Fall: the cool crisp air, dry leaf piles
Summer: hot dry air, roses,
Winter: apple cinnamon candles, Christmas tree,

3] Your favorite foods for each season:
Spring: Berries, spinach, peas
Fall: pumpkin and apple pies, mulled apple cider
Summer: anything grilled:meat, fish, veggies
Winter: Beef stew, extra rich Christmas rolls,

4] What are your favorite colors for each season:
Spring: green for all the new buds and growth
Fall: orange leaves and pumpkins
Summer: red juicy tomatoes
Winter: blue hues reflecting in the snow and icicles

5] Your favorite activities for each season:
Spring: getting back out to the park or for a hike, the first plantings in the garden
Fall: the late harvest, anything that keeps me outdoors
Summer: gardening, harvesting, swimming,
Winter:reading, cuddling, watching movies, long talks with friends

People I tag The Flip Flop Mamma and O Mama Mia but only if you want to.