Thursday, August 10, 2006

Does he just know....

...that in a couple of weeks he's going to be two? Is there some book that they all read that tells them how to be two year olds?? Please help!!! I'm drowning in "NO" and temper tantrums and I'm sick of time outs!
I don't know why I thought my kid would be so different from those I had seen before us. He just is such a smart kid and he used to listen but the past week he has gone from my cuddly "yes Mommy" boy to, "no dat, no dat, no dis". I know in the grand scheme of things this is relatively mundane but it is MY sanity here.
I do have to say with all that is going on in the world, even in moments of utter frustration, I am very grateful to be blessed with a beautiful son and a wonderful husband and I thank God for them both.


owlhaven said...

Girl, You're lucky he held off this long! Most of mine hit their '2's' like clockwork at 15 months.

I love "Toddler Love and Logic" by Foster Cline. Basically calm steady repetition is best. Also take advantage of the fact that you are still bigger than he is, so you can control his body placement even when you can't control his attitude... Also you can avert some conflict by putting breakables out of reach for a few months, and anticipating nap and hungry times, which are prime times for tantrums

Hang in there
Mary, mom to many

Wendy said...

Reading Mary's comment above made me laugh because my daughter is now 15 months and she's a wild woman! She gets into everything and climbs on everything. I can so relate to your post!

In my experience, the 2's were actually better than the 3's. I could never understand why they called it 'terrible twos', so I think it will get better soon. For temper tantrums, I always found it best to leave the room. Then they don't have an audience, as long as they weren't going to hurt themselves, of course.

Being consistent is hard at times, but I think the best way.
I really like the books "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp and "Don't Make Me Count To Three" by Ginger Plowman. The philosophies are similar in both books. Most of it will apply a little later, but would be good to read now too.

Butterfly Mama said...

Thanks for the advice and books, I'll be heading to the book store this weekend or maybe just ordering online! Thanks~

Nicki said...

The books Wendy mentioned are very good. I've been reading them both. I know it can tiresome but you'll get through it. :)

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