Today is a wonderful day. Lord I am grateful you have given me this day. Thank you for these two little blessings and especially my hubby! Please bless the rest of my day as well!
It really is a great day, it just feels forced. This morning I woke up to my son saying that he needs to watch TV. Adam was getting ready for work and suggested that he needs a month long break from it. I agree but I think one 30 minute show a day is more realistic
When the little one came along TV became a nice way to let us all rest during the day, or first thing in the morning. Boy am I regretting it now. Along with those days that we were in pj's all day. Still when I say "It's time to get dressed." His reply without hesitation is, "Where are we going?" But that's another story.
Needless to say, if I don't want him to watch TV first thing I have to get up at 7am when he does, ugh. I am indeed grateful for this time we have to share. On many mornings I can sneak out of bed to feed my son and I breakfast and spend some time with him while baby sis stays asleep in our bed. Today she slept for awhile so we had time to eat and play. I put him in the ergo baby carrier while I did some things and he kept asking me to run or go up and down the stairs, which I obliged. Seriously my quads are now on FIRE! It was fun though having him attached to me while I did things - I knew where he was and he loved getting a birds eye view. Plus it also appears to have been a wonderful workout!
When the little one awoke I met all of her needs which lead to and exorbitant amount of spitting up and two changes of clothes for both of us. By the time were were ready to leave to go to Costco it was already 10:OO and I wanted to go to Fred Meyer afterwards which mow meant I needed to pack a lunch - 5 more minutes. Loaded all of us and an ice chest in and off we went. My son and I singing merrily, lulling my daughter to sleep.
With her asleep in the sling the shopping was fairly easy. 45 minutes and we were in line. Here's where we hit a snag. See my I'm not actually a Costco member. I snagged my hubby's card because I didn't want to waste a Saturday going together. Apparently they don't like that, to say the least. After a bit of arguing and begging (my daughter was awake by now) they let me pay for my stuff - hello do you want to lose the business or make some money? Seems silly but it worked out anyway.
After a diaper change and nursing in the car (involving more spit up), my son and I ate pb&j on the way to our next stop. When we got there, another little snack for my daughter and we were off. I seriously get stopped by every Grandma telling me how smart it is to have my baby a carrier, or how cute my kids are etc. Today, I just wanted to get in and out but that didn't happen. First thing I took my son to the bathroom, he's doing really well with his potty training but it had been awhile. The womens bath was closed for cleaning - the wonderfully nice Fred Meyer employee let us in anyway. Finally, we were back out in the store getting the many items on my list - plus a few. When my daughter wouldn't settle down in the sling - we were only half way done.
I see a bench at the front of the store - I'm still not terrific at sling nursing. We sit on the bench and nurse as my son counts the number of people and everyone smiles back at him. Too cute, and I was pleasantly surprised at the number of smiles and approving nods I got from people walking by since we were right in the front by the cashiers there was lots of people.
Back to the bathroom - the guy was still trying to clean it - for a diaper change. What no diapers. I could have gone and bought them but that would have required two trips through the check out. Not an option! I ripped through the diaper bag and found a diaper cover and receiving blanket...should work. And back out we went to attempt to get this all finished.
The baby fell asleep in the sling shortly and we made it through produce and the rest of the shopping! I find my favorite checker and we're out of there! It was then almost 2pm. I took us forever and when I got home all I wanted to do was sit, my legs are seriously very sore!
Once I decided there were enough leftovers for dinner, I relaxed a bit. Finishing a book about attachment parenting and nursing while my son played outside. It seriously was a wonderful day and I think I'm just tired. It's also just exhausting to make two grocery shops in one day, maybe next time I'll plan ahead and order from Amazon or something.
Seriously though after the last year, I'm so grateful that my hubby has a good job to pay for groceries and that I'm healthy enough to carry my kids around and truly appreciate life, even if it's forced. I used to work with a gal who would smile and say "fake it till you make it." That's sort of what I felt like today, I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well but I'm betting if I get off the computer and get tot bed it will do me some good.
Oh, did I mention that when Adam came home I had my son on my back and my daughter in the sling talk about almost 50 extra pounds. It was fun and someday soon I might upload the pictures. Not now though, sleep is beckoning!