The frustrating thing about a mouse is that you really never know where they are coming from since they can fit through anything. Ugh. Thanks for your suggestions. My hubby is so allergic to cats that he starts wheezing within minutes so I guess we'll see about some of the other options!
That's enough time devoted to that subject so on to another while my son naps!!!! Have I mentioned that he's back to napping about 5 days a week or so! So on to Mary's opinion Saturday topic.
She writes, "When you think about enlarging your family, what are some of the questions and concerns that come to your mind? Was it or is it a difficult or an easy decision to declare yourself ‘done’ with having children? If your family is already complete, feel free to share the questions you had as you faced the issue in the past. When you decided, did you decide once and for all, or did you find yourself revisiting the question over and over?"
Last night at dinner Adam and I were discussing this topic and he asked our son if he wanted a little brother or sister and our son answered "yes", then he asked if he wanted an older brother or sister he said "yes" again. His last question to our son was how many siblings do you want and our little turkey put down his fork and counted on his fingers "one, two, three, four, five" and then continued eating as Mom and Dad sat looking at him and each other.
Now before you think we are crazy don't worry we aren't leaving this up to our two year old son even if he is very smart. Since he knows how to count to 20 (with help around 15 or 16) he must have had some reason for stopping at five (even just to get back to eating!!)
When we got married and for many years before we thought we'd have two children and just hope for a boy and a girl and then we'd be done. Since my son's birth however we've both expressed interest in having more than 2. I think of the joy that my own sister and brother bring to my life and I wonder if 2 won't be the number we end up settling on.
The first topic that came up last night after the magic number 5 was financials. We are constantly wondering how many children we would financially be able to take care of. How many could we put through college? How many could we have and not have to mortgage our house to fly to visit a relative? (Most live in other states.)
Then and possibly more importantly I think of the days that having one child feels like more than enough. I begin to doubt my motherly skills and admit that I have no idea what I'm doing. The flip side of those days are the wonderful days of parenting when confidence abounds, we play happily and days are going smoothly.
I take comfort in the fact that God knows us and our hearts and only He can open our hearts to however many children will bless our lives.
Since we are not currently "done" I'm certain this topic will come up for us again and again after each new addition.
I have so many unread items in my bloglines it's not even funny! I'll be around to get caught up soon... I've missed reading about you!!!