Thursday, November 30, 2006

Snow induced giddiness!

My son and I were listening to the radio and acting giddy while we were stuck in some traffic this afternoon. It was snowing and a few songs into our giddy spree "White Christmas" came one - one of my all time favorites - so the giddiness was taken up another notch (and the volume). In between verses I decided that even though it would be close to 5 o'clock by the time we got home we needed some snow play!

I like being the executive at my job so I can veto the semi intense dinner I had planned for one that came out of the freezer as soon as we walked in the door. Hurriedly and full of excitement we bundled up and got out he door. He even put on his hat all by his "delf"!

He's pointing saying "Dat way!!! Play! Kiks!" Boy was it fun and I had another opportunity to be grateful for the snowsuit I found on sale last year that was too big and only worn a few times. It now fits perfectly when it's really needed!!

After about an hour of playing with some friends down the street we headed home for some ovaltine, Christmas music, and to add the finishing touches to dinner.

I just LOVE this time of year, truly the most wonderful!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Flushable diapers

I've spoken about cloth diapering before. (And by the way it is so hard to pull up a link to an archived post if there is a typo in the title!!!) The covers I purchased back then are working out very well. While they aren't my favorite of everything I've used, they don't leak, (unless Mom is a slacker) they were cheap and my grocery bill is less $10 a week! Now if I can only find the two missing covers so I don't have to wash them so often.

I was intrigued when I saw these flushable diapers from gDiapers yesterday at my local Fred Meyer. I did some research on their web site and if I didn't use cloth diapering so much during the day they might be an option I'd choose. It’s a washable cover that you insert flushable liners into so that the waste ends up in the toilet. They look so neat so if any of you hve used them I'd love your opinion.

Oh and a blurb about the company that I though was SO cool...

So, we encourage our working parents to bring their kids to work. We have an on-site child development center. If mom needs to nurse or wants some playtime with her baby, gDiapers is set up to accommodate her needs. If a child is sick, by all means, go home. We hope everyone feels better soon. If dad wants to see Jr. in the school talent show in the middle of the day, he has our blessing. In fact, we may come with him.

I love staying home and I would do just about anything to continue to but I wish more companies took on this philosophy since you'd think it would make for happier and in the long run more productive employees!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Opinion Saturday and other ramblings

The frustrating thing about a mouse is that you really never know where they are coming from since they can fit through anything. Ugh. Thanks for your suggestions. My hubby is so allergic to cats that he starts wheezing within minutes so I guess we'll see about some of the other options!

That's enough time devoted to that subject so on to another while my son naps!!!! Have I mentioned that he's back to napping about 5 days a week or so! So on to Mary's opinion Saturday topic.

She writes, "When you think about enlarging your family, what are some of the questions and concerns that come to your mind? Was it or is it a difficult or an easy decision to declare yourself ‘done’ with having children? If your family is already complete, feel free to share the questions you had as you faced the issue in the past. When you decided, did you decide once and for all, or did you find yourself revisiting the question over and over?"

Last night at dinner Adam and I were discussing this topic and he asked our son if he wanted a little brother or sister and our son answered "yes", then he asked if he wanted an older brother or sister he said "yes" again. His last question to our son was how many siblings do you want and our little turkey put down his fork and counted on his fingers "one, two, three, four, five" and then continued eating as Mom and Dad sat looking at him and each other.

Now before you think we are crazy don't worry we aren't leaving this up to our two year old son even if he is very smart. Since he knows how to count to 20 (with help around 15 or 16) he must have had some reason for stopping at five (even just to get back to eating!!)

When we got married and for many years before we thought we'd have two children and just hope for a boy and a girl and then we'd be done. Since my son's birth however we've both expressed interest in having more than 2. I think of the joy that my own sister and brother bring to my life and I wonder if 2 won't be the number we end up settling on.

The first topic that came up last night after the magic number 5 was financials. We are constantly wondering how many children we would financially be able to take care of. How many could we put through college? How many could we have and not have to mortgage our house to fly to visit a relative? (Most live in other states.)

Then and possibly more importantly I think of the days that having one child feels like more than enough. I begin to doubt my motherly skills and admit that I have no idea what I'm doing. The flip side of those days are the wonderful days of parenting when confidence abounds, we play happily and days are going smoothly.

I take comfort in the fact that God knows us and our hearts and only He can open our hearts to however many children will bless our lives.

Since we are not currently "done" I'm certain this topic will come up for us again and again after each new addition.


I have so many unread items in my bloglines it's not even funny! I'll be around to get caught up soon... I've missed reading about you!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

To my furry nemesis....

Dear Fievel,

I first want to say that I appreciate your will to live. The way you have escaped our many traps over the last couple of weeks has been incredible. My husband and I agree that if you can pull off some Stuart Little entertainment you'd be allowed to stay (with an exorbitant amount of rent as well as mandatory housebreaking). However, you wore on my last nerve Thanksgiving morn and I am currently rethinking the very humane traps we have set up for you and considering turning to very dark and desperate measures.

You see, the pantry stores all of the wonderful dry food that my family eats on a regular basis. It is, along with our refrigerator, the mecca of our home. Since we've seen your kind here before I generally keep things very well in airtight containers and/or very well wrapped. Except for the oatmeal packages as you clearly pointed out. I will improve their storage promptly. Ahem, and please for the love of all things sanitary and healthy do NOT attempt to nest in my very nice basket of hand towels again. That was not something fun to find on Thanksgiving morn when they were all clean and ready for mass food prep.

Will you not rest until everything is pulled out and living on the island??

Consider yourself warned, jump in and enjoy your peanut butter demise or you will be finding some very cruel things in the next week.

It may interest you to know in the next house over lives a bachelor and he may enjoy your company more than the Butterfly clan.

Mrs. Mama Butterfly

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Wishing all a very happy and wonderful Thanksgiving! That gratitude will fill our hearts not only this weekend but spill over into the days, months and years that follow.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Holiday Traditions

For Owlhaven's opinion Saturday she's asking about our holiday traditions...

I've mentioned before that Thanksgiving is one of the most special holidays for my husband and I as our first date was on Thanksgiving Eve ten years ago this year. We always make sure to steal a few minutes together to let each other know how thankful we are for each other and for that first date!

We've had fun over the years playing with traditions and seeing what works, we take it or leave it the next year depending on what we thought. Eight years ago I made fresh Vietnamese Salad Spring Rolls with peanut dressing on a Thanksgiving that my MIL flew in. While not a traditional side they were so yummy that they became a tradition. They are fairly labor intensive so last year they were missed but I'll be up early to get them ready this year.

This week I'll also be making the Christmas roll recipe that have been a tradition in our family for generations. Some wonderful memories and conversations were had while making these as a family the night before a holiday.

A Christmas tradition from my childhood that I plan on continuing is hiding baby Jesus from the Nativity scene and then letting the kids look for him (in a fairly obvious place) then placing him back in the manger and singing "Happy Birthday" on Christmas Eve. My sister even got her sorority sisters to do this with her in college. It is a great reminder wading through all the gifts under the tree from loved ones to the true meaning of the day and one that as a child I remember really "getting".

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Love Thursday

I have really loved the images and stories of love every Thursday at Cookooloonks mine is a bit late this week since my computer wasn't cooperating with me this morning!!

This moment I spent with my son was one of those that I wish could last forever - at least in our memories.

On a recent rainy afternoon (we've been having some cold wet days) we turned on the fire place and snuggled under some blankets to read some books. Little did I know that I wasn't going to be the one doing the reading. My son took the book out of my hand and started to read it to me!

Click here for more Love!

Monday, November 13, 2006

100 Things About Me

I've always enjoyed reading these when others have done them so here's my 100th post! Totally in random order....

  1. I was born and raised in New York (suburbia)
  2. In the same house that my Dad grew up in
  3. But about 3 additions later.
  4. My Grandma and Bobo lived right next door
  5. I loved having them so close to visit almost daily.
  6. I started ballet lessons in 2nd grade
  7. Dancing became a wonderful love in my life
  8. A way for a shy girl to express herself
  9. I also have a love of science - biology and physics mostly
  10. English was my weakest subject
  11. If you couldn't tell from all the grammar mistakes on this blog!
  12. I enjoyed German and French but I hardly remember a thing now!
  13. I majored in Dance in college
  14. The BFA program at NYU for dance was 3 years and 2 summers
  15. I don't officially use my major in my current job!
  16. Unless you count pirouettes and fouettes in the kitchen
  17. While my son giggles and says again, again, until I'm out of breath
  18. If you know me in real life don't ever plan on seeing this!
  19. This Thanksgiving will mark the 10 yr anniv. of our first date
  20. Those 10 years have gone by like a cat nap
  21. We got married near to a favorite scuba spot 4 years ago
  22. I'd still love to scuba dive if I lived near an ocean
  23. I worked at a veterinary hospital for 3 years
  24. I also went back to school part time to get prereqs for Veterinary School
  25. While I was working there I decided that Vet life was not for me
  26. I like the scientific experiments and lab stuff better
  27. We fled in the mass exodus of CA almost three years ago
  28. I have a 2 year old son
  29. I feel like my job as a Wife/Mother/homemaker is the most perfect one I've ever had
  30. I enjoy a good laugh
  31. I can't tell a good joke to save my life
  32. I enjoy a good cry but could handle a few weeks without one.
  33. I love to use exlamation points!!
  34. I love sushi,
  35. Thai
  36. and pretty much any ethnic foods
  37. I love gardening
  38. I also will eat any kind of batter (cookie dough, cake...)
  39. I would consider food my achilles' heel!
  40. My husband and I have planned entire trips to NY for food
  41. Well we've visited family too - not just for the cannollis ;)
  42. My favorite color is purple
  43. I have one sister
  44. and one brother.
  45. I am the oldest child.
  46. I wish we all lived closer
  47. but I know that we're all where we should be for now.
  48. I taught pilates once a week at a church in San Diego
  49. I've thought about teaching again
  50. but my heart's not fully in it yet.
  51. I would eat totally organically if I could afford it
  52. Now depending on our budget I buy mostly produce and milk organic
  53. I experienced "natural" childbirth with my son
  54. It was also a water birth
  55. It was amazing and I'll do it again....
  56. My total labor was about 8 hours - intense but short!
  57. I prayed for exactly that!!!
  58. My son was born on his due date
  59. That date also was my Grandfather's birthday.
  60. We gave his name as my son's middle name - also my Dad's.
  61. I have two dogs (Jack Russell Terriers)
  62. I love them to pieces but they are so stubborn
  63. I don't have very good fashion sense
  64. I just don't really pay attention to what's in style
  65. I almost always ask my husband if I look ok before I leave the house
  66. I hardly ever buy clothes for myself
  67. I love music
  68. I also love movie musicals
  69. I think we would all be happier if we could burst in to song
  70. and dance in the middle of grocery shopping
  71. or walking in the rain or delivering a newspaper :)
  72. I like watching scary movies at home under a blanket next to hubs
  73. I also like action and romatic sappy stories too.
  74. I like to read but I don't do it enough
  75. I'm enjoying reading the Bible more lately
  76. I am a Christian
  77. I have 2 nephews and a niece on the way
  78. I love to bake and cook
  79. Dishes and laundry make me want to cry!
  80. I still do them mostly with a grateful heart.
  81. I've been hospitalized twice.
  82. Once for being dehydrated as a baby
  83. Second for an emergency appendectemy in Jan of 1994
  84. I had my son at a birthing center.
  85. He was born at 8:19pm and we were home at 3am
  86. I fell over a couch backwards, landed on my sister
  87. and somehow broke my right wrist in first grade.
  88. She cried (I knocked the wind out of her)
  89. I calmly told my Mom I broke my arm while she comforted my sis.
  90. I've had tendonitis in almost every joint in my lower body
  91. Mostly in my left patella tendon and my right achilles tendon.
  92. I've had a miscarriage.
  93. That's the first time I've actually written that out on this blog.
  94. I feel very healed today.
  95. I really love life and I love people.
  96. I'm 31 years old
  97. My birthday is in March.
  98. I love learning - I actually liked school
  99. I am learning to be patient.
  100. I wear a size 9 shoe!

Obviosly I didn't have a big finale planned!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Thanks for Mothers

Chaotic Mom is away this week and is asking for thoughts on "thanks for Mothers" so here are my random thoughts.

I am so grateful to my Mother for so much it's hard to know where to start. From home cooked meals to carpools to and from dance classes and from kissing owies to playing games. She never questioned (openly anyway) why she paraded me back and forth and paid for 6 or more dance classes a week. She also didn't keep the neatest house on the block.

Her focus was on the things that mattered: God, her hardworking husband and the 3 of us kids. She always made sure that she was available to help with homework and was involved in our schools. She paid attention to who our teachers were and that we worked our hardest at whatever we did. Win or lose, succeed or fail she always encouraged us to try. I remember her patience letting our little fingers plant cucumber seeds in hills and staying up until o'dark thirty sewing our halloween and Nutcracker costumes.

No matter what, her love was always there and always felt. Even now when I think of my childhood home and memories her love just overwhelms me.

I have absolutely NO idea how she really did it all and actually slept.

Now that I am experiencing the overwhelming joy of my son's first two years of life I am so amazed at this journey of motherhood. How much it has taught me to stop and smell the roses. Each day, each hour and each minute is so important to my son.

In just a day he went from an infant to a chubby baby, from a slug to a speed crawler, from pulling up to first steps and from baby talk to singing songs and saying the alphabet. I revel in each hug, kiss and cuddle I can snitch. His great big smile and glimmer when our eyes meet remind me to seize this moment in eternity and be present as it passes.

I'm grateful that my Mom gave me the foundation and I'm grateful that my son is giving me the opportunity.

If you want to share or visit more visit Chaotic Mom.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Thank you!

I am so proud to be the granddaughter of two WWII veterans, daughter of a Vietman veteran, sister to an Iraq veteran and wife to a Navy veteran. I am so grateful to God everyday that he let them all come home!

I'm sorrowful that so many others did not.

Thanks to all veterans and their families for the sacrifices you make for the rest of us!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Note to self: keep house in a showable state!

This morning we had the second showing of our house since listing it in August. I love that I was just getting out the bathroom cleaning supplies to give our master bath some much needed love and attention when the phone rings...

"Someone wants to look at your house within the hour."

In my head I'm thinking - What! Lord, I know this is what we want but this place needs some help and less than an hour is not enough. You can see me here still in my PJ's right?!

"They can come a bit later right?...12:30 ok perfect."

It's 10:30 now, I can quickly scrub every surface in the bathroom and do some vacuuming and cleaning in the kitchen before they come. The whole time I’m singing Broadway musicals at a fast forward lightning speed to keep up my pace.

God bless my hubby for coming home for an early lunch to blow away leaves and make the outside look great! All the while my son snacked and watched PBS for almost 2 hours straight while taking out EVERY toy he owns. (I try to limit TV usage pretty strictly on the weekdays - 1 hour MAX. So he was loving life.)

I've decided that we have WAY too many toys. I had put some away for a break in September and again last month. Today I shoved more into that same closet and I don't plan on taking them out. The less toys the better I say, especially if I'm going to have such incredibly short notice - two weeks ago I was still keeping the house clean from the first showing but I've slowly let it go the last couple. Now to stay motivated and keep up with it - while praying that today's people thought it a perfect fit!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Not much to write about here but if you haven't been following baby Eliot's story what a beautiful tribute Matt and Ginny have written. They are certainly inspiring me through their faith.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


For the last week or so my kiddo has a few times said "Mom" instead of "Mommy" or "Mama". Each time I've replied with "that's Mommy to you!"

Today he's said Mommy only a few times and he even rubbed it in at lunch. (With my hub's new job he comes home a few times a week for lunch - how cool!) He sat there saying "Hi Daddy, hi Mom." A seemingly endless number of times!


Oh, and BTW I did indeed figure out the issue with Mr. Linky. It must be something with the set up of my makeshift desktop. (We have an external keyboard and mouse set up to a laptop so maybe that's the issue.) It worked just fine from my hubby's computer!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Here's Mickey!

Or Mr. Mouse to you...

The after math...a glow stick and a scooby doo shaped lolly pop. If you can believe it is the first lolly pop he's ever eaten in entirety. Plus some peanut butter cups also a first. Yeah, we are holding out on you son in the candy department.

Wordless Wednesday: Mr. Serious

Works for me: Toddler mop

My toddler wants to help do everything I'm doing right at the moment I'm doing it. This makes it hard to get some things done, especially when you don't have nap time to get the floor mopped.

I think it's great that he wants to help me but only one of us can use the real mop at a time so my solution...

Take one rubber headed broom - I purchased ours at the fair years ago and haven't used it in awhile. Adjust the handle to the shortest setting for toddler's comfort!

Place mismatched socks over the broom ends, overlap and wrap with a rubberband to hold.

Then, let 'em loose. My favorite thing is that along with feeling like he's helping, he really is. Let them spray water or cleaner on the floor and mop up, just like Mommy! Works for us.

To see more Works for me Wednesday ideas visit Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer