Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I had such grand thoughts of what would get done, today.

The kiss that woke me with a smile said it's morning time mommy.  It began, today.  My intentions to get caught up on the work that is mine, this home, were true. What I didn't know...that's always where I get caught off guard, like I should know how this day is going to go from that first morning kiss.  Who am I kidding!

I didn't know that plans, grander still, were in store for this day.  The laundry and dishes are still waiting but my heart is so filled with moments of now, today, here.  I saw toes and space and more kisses and hugs than the whole week before.  I wandered from room to room knitting together these moments that made today.  Sometimes it feels right to set aside, intentions and goals and focus intently what really hold us together.
My first completed knitting project, on it's handsome owner.

Space ship, complete with an escape pod, that actually detaches.
Watching How to Train Your Dragon for extra snuggle time at the end of the day.
My heart is full, of that feeling, you know the one you get when you look at a little baby.  That's how the end of today finds me, soft, tender, radiating love.

A couple weeks ago, holding a baby for the first time. I love her face!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This was so much fun last year , I couldn't wait to do it again this year, but I couln't find the time either!  Now that we are eleven days in, I have found some visual aids to send you some wishes and thoughts for the new year.

 May 2011 bring you to new heights,

 grounded by reflections on the year before,

savoring each and every moment,

taking every opportunity to dance and make music,

accept even the meekest offers of help,

find togetherness,

fight the good fight,

view life

through another's eyes,

cling to the beautiful,

be yourself,

find reprieve on a hot summer's day,

rejoice in each day,

remember your purpose,

and may you have many opportunities to give to others,
especially those with hungry tummies.

May your light shine all over this whole wide world,
this year and for many, many more to come. Much love to you...