I thought it might be fun to play a little game for the last couple of weeks of this pregnancy. I'm not sure if at the end of it I'll have any energy to give anything away or not but I thought it might be fun anyway to see who's the closest. How about a Starbucks gift card to the winner of the closest guess - that will be easy enough to get and mail!!! UPDATED TO ADD: my Mom will add a couple of hand knitted dish cloths to the prize pot too, they are very pretty and great because they are washable and reusable!!!
I will give you as many details as I have as far as Dr. visits and past history to help you with guessing my delivery date, time, baby's weight etc. Whatever detail(s) you'd like to guess. After our new arrival comes I'll post all of her stats and of course pictures!
Tuesday I was 38 weeks and I'm due on August 14th. Two weeks ago I was about 1 cm dilated and this week 2 cm. With my son I was dilated 4 cm for at least the last two weeks and I delivered him ON my due date at 8:19pm, he weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 21 inches long.
Here's a picture of me at 38 weeks one day along and
here's a link to a pic of me pregnant with my son at 37 weeks.
Happy Guessing!!!
Oh, and please don't think you have to have a blog to guess, if you normally lurk around here (that means you read and you don't normally comment) I LOVE comments and the more guesses the merrier!!! :) You can still click on leave a comment fill in your name and comment!
Oh my gosh, I just have to say you are the cutest thing! When I have more time I am going to come back and make my guess!!
Hi Heidi! I am guessing August 11th. Can't remember if you know the gender? I'm saying another boy.
Can't wait to hear the great news and see your precious baby! I am writing your name down, so I remember to pray for you as it gets closer. :)
Oh I am rotten at guessing ANYthing, but you look FABULOUS!
August 13, 11:04, 9lb2oz
Good luck!!! You are still glowing!!
What a little doll you must have in there.
August 13, 8lb 11 oz, 7:14 am.
Can I add a couple of hand knit dish cloths to the winner?
Hi Heidi!!
I love this!! And you look beautiful!!
Okay... I know it's your actualt due date, but I'm going to say August 14th. It's my parents anniversary and my best friend's birthday.
HOw are you feeling!?
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls
Ok- just want to give my guess...
Friday August 10, 6:57 AM baby will be 8 lbs 5 oz! And it will be the fastest and most pain-free labor ever! Praying for you!
Because it's Emma's birthday, I'm going with your due date
Aug 14
11 am
7 lb 3 oz
Ok, I will put you out of your misery and guess one more week -
Aug 10th
8lb 2 oz
beautiful, sweet, and snuggly :)
Ok, I'm guessing August 12th, and the baby will weigh 8 pounds 2 ounces. How fun!! I can't wait to hear!!! You look so good!! And HUGE!!! LOL.
Lets see....
Aug 13th, 7:14pm, 8lb. 13oz., and 21in long.
I'm praying for you. Can't wait to see that sweet baby girl!!
Thanks for coming over to my place and letting me know about the fun happening here! I'm going with:
August 11th
10:18 a.m.
7 lbs 13 oz
20 3/4 inches
You look truly beautiful :)
You're almost there! What a gorgeous pitcure!
I'm guessing August 14
8lbs 1 oz
19 inches
We'll be praying for the happiest entry into this world for your darling girl!
You cute little pregnant thing!
My guess, since you are carrying a lot like me with my first son, I'll give you his measurements:
8lb 8oz
21 inches long
As far as time....good grief...I'll just pick out of nowhere 12:17pm!
You look great, by the way...
My guess...
August 18. Baby weighing over 9#.
Can't wait to see and hear all about her!!
By the way, I meant for my time to be in the AM
I am guessing baby will be born on Aug 13 at 8:36pm, weighing in at 8lbs 10oz and 20 inches long :) hope everything goes well!
PS. It's funny, as everyone else has their baby's I think, one more closer to when mine will be born :)
Heidi, this is a fun idea!
Aug. 9, 7:00 p.m., 20 inches long, 7 pounds 2 ounces. Oh yeah, full head of blonde hair.
I'm going to throw my guess in here, I came over from For Better or for Worse- from you comment about being 12 days away- I'm 4 weeks away! :)
Let's see, you won't like mine but I say Aug. 15th in the evening and weighing about 7lbs 12 oz.
This is a fun idea and I just may steal it for my last few weeks. I am like every other pregnant woman and READY to go. LOL :) Happy pushing!!
Heidi! I have to say August 13, 8:00 pm, 8 lbs, 5 oz!! Can't wait to see her, now we will each have 1 boy, 1 girl!!
Hmmmm....I'm thinking Friday the 10th, 3pm, 8lbs 3oz, 21 inches long. She'll be beautiful just like her mama. :)
I guess Aug 13, 7:50 pm, 8 lb 14 1/2 oz and 21 inches long
August 14th, 7:17 am 9lb 1 oz.
20 1/2 in.
ok hmmm
8/15 at 2:00 AM 8lbs 5oz 20 inches
Hope you go earlier though!
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