Sunday, November 09, 2008

Gone in 10.3 seconds...

The sweet precious moment that is.

I'm getting kids ready for bed when I leave my son's room to hang up towels and tidy the bathroom a bit. "Here, let me read you that book," I hear my son say to his sister.

I peek to see them getting settled in on his little chair and run down the stairs to grab the camera. I smartly turned on the flash and camera as I ran, removing the lens cap right as I reached the top of the stairs. I was bringing the lens up to my eye as I rounded the corner at the top and seriously if it took 10.3 seconds I'd be amazed as I was quite out of breath!

I found not quite the moment I expected. In fact just the opposite, but for some reason it was just what we all needed and looking at the picture still makes me chuckle. I just clicked the picture - seriously I couldn't come up with the stuff these two do! Truly, it was a good end to a crazy week full of difficult decisions, elections, emotions, and a stressful morning in charge of serving a big potluck today at church (luckily I had a TON of help with it).

I love these crazy kids!


Mary said...

Your son obviously requires a captive audience - so cute. Hope your coming week is a little more relaxed.

Nicki said...

The picture. The story. Both priceless!! Love it.

Amber said...

That was so funny! Thanks for sharing. Good smile for the day. :)

Sherri said...

Oh yes, they are going to start playing together so much now. It will be so amazing to watch them become playmates...I love it! He had good intentions anyway, right :)?

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful story! They change in seconds:)
Love you all so much,

Anonymous said...

HA! Too true, I love it.